You can use WordPress filter the_content and apply it to any string or custom field data to display its HTML content as well as render or execute any shortcode in it.

Here is a code snippet, where a string with some HTML content and a shortcode in it.

// $data is defined as a string with HTML code as well as WordPress shortcode in it
$data = '<div class="custom-html-code"> <h2> Here is a list of Recent Posts</h2> [recent-posts posts="5"]</div>';
echo apply_filters( 'the_content', $data); 

The above code will not just display the HTML code, But also when it encounters the [recent-posts] shortcode, it will execute it. It will also apply any other filter that has been applied to the_content filter.

Now let’s say, you have a custom Textarea field that you created using ACF ( advanced custom fields plugin) in your custom post, and it has HTML data as well as shortcodes. In that case, you can use code as shown in the example below.

echo apply_filters( 'the_content', get_field("field_name_here") ); 

// CODE FOR Other custom field using post meta data function
echo apply_filters( 'the_content', get_post_meta($post->ID,"field_name_here",true) );