
WordPress Speed Optimization Service


Looking for WordPress Speed optimization Service?

Your website speed reflects how quickly your site responds to requests from visitors. If your site loads fast, there is a high chance that you retain your visitors and improve search engine ranking as well. Our WordPress Speed Optimization Service will help you improve your website load time. This can help improve ROI (Return On Investment) of your website. This service will help you score higher in website speed measuring tools like Google Page Speed, Pingdom, and GTMetrix with a full money-back guarantee.

This service is included with all WordPress Maintenance and Support Packages that we provide. If you have any emergency issue with your website, please check Website Emergency Support Services provided by our WordPress Experts team.


Our Wordpress Speed Optimization service includes the following

Optimize Images

Implementing proper image sizes & reducing image sizes without compromising quality will significantly improve website load time. It will also reduce the overall page size.

Theme & Plugins Analysis

We will perform a complete analysis of your website theme and all the plugins installed for improving website performance.

Database Tuning

Database optimization is a crucial step in improving website load time. This service helps in removing unnecessary junk data from your database. It will also remove any database overhead.

Optimize HTML code

Optimizing HTML code will ensure that you have proper minified & w3 validated HTML code in your site.

Optimize CSS & Javascript files

Removing unnecessary javascript and CSS files and minimizing their size will significantly improve your website speed.

Setting up CDN

Cloud Delivery Network(CDN) implementation for static files like images, CSS and JavaScript in your website improves load time.

Enable Caching

Proper implementation of caching at server and browser level will boost your website response time, also known as Time to First Byte (TTFB).

Hosting Server Analysis

Your hosting server can be a bottleneck for your website. Our analysis of your web server will help you make an informed decision on hosting.

Our clients love our WordPress Speed Optimization Service