Checklist for perfect premium WordPress theme development

  • Add Theme settings section or add options in Theme customizer
  • Implementation of Widget ready sidebars
  • Creation of different template files for different layouts
  • Efficient use of query based template files
  • Follow WordPress PHP coding Standards
  • Follow WordPress CSS coding Standards
  • Follow Accessibility Coding Standards
  • Follow WordPress data validation standards
  • Load stylesheets dynamically using wp_enqueue_style
  • Load scripts dynamically using wp_enqueue_script
  • Theme localization (multi-language support)
  • Proper Implementation of WordPress hooks
  • Make sure that all the templates like search, post, page, 404 error etc are implemented.
  • Add Woocommerce Support for eCommerce features

WordPress Theme Testing checklist:

  • Activate debug mode to check and fix php errors
  • Test cross browser compatibility
  • Check for W3 Validation of HTML and CSS
  • Check for JavaScript errors using browser console
  • Verify with WordPress theme unit test
  • Check for compatibility with major WordPress plugins
  • Test the theme load time using plugin like query monitor